Friday, January 28, 2005

Vth post.. still going STRONG!!!

so between the tipping, the time travelling buses, the automated computer skytrains and the homeless people i am constantly without coin change in my pocket.. the homeless situation in vancouver is pretty drastic.. generally because it is the warmest city in canada and if you were homeless anywhere else in the winter.. you would be dead.. or a block of ice.. so in essence when bush blows up the world by accident and the future generation of human beings dig up all this ice from north america our representatives in the future will be canadas homeless from any city bar vancouver.. and this is kinda fitting.. because they could tell them how bad this society can treat people.. anyway i digress..

the homeless people here are in abundance.. and they are generally alright.. some of them randomly swear at you and passers by.. but nothing i didnt experience in melbourne.. what is different to melbourne, is their eagerness to talk to you after you have given them some change..
yesterday i was downtown and this homeless guy came up and said he needed 6 bucks for a big mac meal.. all i had was a fiver.. so i thought screw it.. id be pissing that up against a wall that night anyway.. i handed over $5.00.. after id given him the cash he was adamant that he do something for me.. not dodgy or anything, like directions or something along those lines.. i told him to go get something to eat and have a good day..

later on that same day i was crossing howe street downtown and i passed him again.. said hello and went on our seperate ways.. another dude who i gave some quarters wanted to talk about australia.. and if it wasnt in the middle of a torrential downpour i woulda stuck around and talked to him..

anyway this was a kinda non post.. but im heading to edmonton in 2 hours. thats a 15 hour bus ride in front of me.. im getting to edmonton tomorrow at 11am and meeting Epic (rapper) then heading back to his and his girlfrirends place to crash... not before checking out West Edmonton Mall which is THE BIGGEST MALL IN NORTH AMERICA!!!!! haha ill be killing time there till Epic finishes work.. dont worry i will attach photos and a blog entry to cover both the bus ride and West Ed Mall the biggest mall in north america...

until then.. im out..

this guy was walking around downtown vancouver with a trolley full of crazy shit.. like a guitar and other assorted goodies.. plus he was wearing a pink tutu.. and a face mask, like the ones the paramedics would use on you..

1 comment:

  1. haha yeah probably.. niels likes to wear dresses and dance around when its raining.. im tired of bailing him out of prison..

    haha niels its all love playa
