Friday, January 21, 2005

First post: ignore the spelling mistakes or ill steal your shoes

I once wondered what the hell a blog site was.. Now I know.. and now I have my own.. I had a few hours here in vancouver BC so I decided that instead of keeping a personal diary and sending emails back home so people can track my progress I thought id start a blog to keep things real as they say..

I flew into canada on monday the 17th of jan, it was an interesting flight to say the least.. the deaf olympics having conluded on the weekend prior to my departure ensured that I was surrounded by people that couldnt talk.. Now sometimes this is a blessing.. who wants to talk to strangers, after all our parents and police spent countless hours trying to teach us not to talk to strangers..
but im a social animal to say the least.. so I thought before I boarded id hopefully sit next to someone that had an interesting story or two to tell.. I wanted to be seated next to a canadian returning home telling me tales of wrestling grissly bears and catching salmon with no more than a yard of piano wire and a DVD player.. instead I sat on the plane for 15 hours in complete silence.. well not in complete silence I went through a set of batteries for my discman.. and I finished half my book.. but the real problem with this flight was that I completely forgot how to talk. so when I finally landed in the USA, LAX to be exact.. not only was my voice alternating between super high pitched and super low, the lack of communication practise meant I had no more volume control..

so I get to US customs, and this is scary at best. the airport looks as if it was built in the 70's and in one section the stairs where so bad I nearly stacked taking half the US deaf olympic team with me. im walking towards immigration and customs.. in the loudspeaker is an american accent asking you to keep your bags with you at all times, to report suspicious behaviour and or bags to the local law enforcement authoritities.. Now this messaged was repeated over and over.. like propaganda announcements in communist regimes..
then we come to the actual custom officers.. they look like guards out of a sci fi movie, or guards to some authertarian corporation.. it was hilarious and scary (and one of the customs officers looked like danny devito).. anyway back to my point.. I hadnt talked in 15 hours.. so when I started getting interregated by customs not only did I yell at him.. but my voice changed pitch about 3 times.. needless to say I got through alright and the funny thing is.. even tho the USA customs looked scarier... the immigration officer at the Vancouver International questioned me so damn much he was either asking me out on a date or trying to write my biography.. in any case I panicked and sounded nervous so I wouldnt be suprised if I get a visit from the canadian authorities in the next couple of days..

so now im taking it easy at ingrids house. a friend from canada that I met while she was travelling australia. her house is just down the road from commercial drive which reminds me of smith st in collingwood.. it has the derros, and the hip young sub cultures that makes liberal western societies worth living in.

thats all I can be bothered writing at the moment so what I will do is be in touch soon.. this is much easier than emails and I should have a good record of what happens in the next couple of weeks.


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