Saturday, January 22, 2005

second post:time-travelling buses carrying rat-men

so i get to vancouver. it was raining like crazy.. i mean it would not relent.. the tarmac looked like a black sea when the plane landed.. i get off the plane after a 45minute delay because the engine had no oil or some relaxed crap like that and we make the hoke with my fellow passengers, or 'customers' as the stewardesses kept calling us. some of them had come from melbourne and new zealand with me, and had another flight to calgary.. this is after already nearly 24 hours since we had to check in at tullamarine.. if i had to fly another minute i would have attempted to bludgeon some poor innocent 'customer' with a single serve of butter.. luckily i didnt.. so YVR was empty and i strolled at a leisurely pace.. while the other poor saps ran to make a connecting flight.. when i get to the baggage carasel there are no bags to be seen.. so i make my way to the washroom to freshen up after a soul destroying plane meal.. i walk into a cubicle and i discover a lake.. lake toilet.. there is enough water in north american toilets to fill a swimming pool.. in fact if you had to you could bath a baby in the porcelein throne.. and when they flush.. thats a mans flush, as al bundy once said.. theres some serious whirlpool shit going on inside.. i mean we have riptides in australia.. they have power flush toilets.. coming from a drought with water restrictions makes it a difficult task mustering the will power to flush away 1000 litres of water.. i keep thinking i could bucket it out and finally wash the possum piss of my car...

i get back to the baggage claim get my bags.. sort myself out and haul my bag on the back.. i walk around the corner to the exit and ingrids waiting for me.. we exchange pleasantries and start walking out... to enhance the true vancouver experience i opted for public transport, since ingrid doesnt have mode transportation. this was good.. althought i didnt realise we had to take about 4 buses to get to her place.. god damn.. hauling that 20kilo pack did me in.. and will, hodsie and myself have been ghosts at trackside i was struggling.. as governor/actor/superhero/god Arnie would say, i was a girlie man...

the buses are another story here.. they remind me of a time machine.. some of the older ones are like those old school american buses (not the school buses but the kinda buses you see in movies just plain old transit buses) except they run on a hybrid system.. they have these two anntennas that run along wires similar to our tram wires in melbourne.. and these buses are FILTHY.. the outsides are meant to be white.. but they are gray from the smog and pollution.. these things look like they have traveled from the future.. its as if back to the future 3 wasnt the conclusion to the trilogy.. doc takes that time travelling locomotive, flies to vancouver, canada.. crashes into an SUV making a right turn.. and then grabs a bus and makes a time machine out of it.. they are the coolest things i have ever seen and i will be sure to attach a photo as soon as i get the means to do so..

so im on the bus and this guy next to me pulls out 3 rats... and is holding them and kissing them.. his girlfriend then pulls another two out of her bag.. he lets his 3 go and they crawl up his shoulders into his parker hoody.. i lean over to have a gander and they are all curled up looking comfy as hell.. and i tell ya.. after 24hours at airports and jumbo jets.. i wanted to crawl into rat mans hoody too.. he proceeded to explain that rats have a 21 day gestation period and if we wanted our own rats we could call him on 604-454-***4... i was tempted.. very tempted.. because i hadnt eaten meat in a day...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:43 am

    Rats are considered a delicacy in many corners of the earth man you shoulda yeilded to your hunger!

    Hope you're loving every minute of your time over there, i missed you during the freestyle sesh tonight after last week!

    Sounds like there are many antics to be had still, and im not talking about your split personality!

    Take it easy man-

