I was thinking about the title of this page. Why i named it this, what i meant when i did and what it was to be "out of context". At the time I created this blog I had this romanticized idea that when you put yourself in new surroundings with new people you learn more about who you are (At the moment I'm happy with the title, since it offers me a lose excuse when what I've written is taken "out of context"). To an extent i still think that this is true. Your always in control of how you act and what you do, but i feel that traveling is a good opportunity to see how I adapt to a change in environment.
Context is overrated, and the more i think about it the less i think we are ever in context. I started reflecting on what it was to be out of context, which was a question i found hard to address. Instead i started to think about existing IN context. Again an idea that was extremely hard to get my mind around. I've always felt the need to 'flee' my current 'context' when things started getting too much, I was getting bored or i had that constant underlying feeling of dread that i will die with regrets. Suddenly it dawned on me that maybe i was never in context, and perhaps we never are. Life isn't set out like that. As soon as we developed consciousness and the ability to make our own minds up context flew out the window. We go where we want, we do what we want, we are who we want. Obviously some people are products of their environment and that has it's own library of literature and ideas, but on this forum i only speak from my own personal position where i have the freedom (and support) to put all aspects of my life under my direct control.
So here i am, flawed titles and all, in context, out of context, it doesn't matter. The idea now is to experience as many contexts as i can, and see what I can learn from them.

This is a photo of me two weeks ago at the Buddhist Temple in Pattaya Thailand. Am I out of context? You decide...
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